Saturday, September 1, 2012

curative physician Richard DiCenso Discusses Whole man Therapy

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Physical Therapy Schools! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In this article, Richard DiCenso shares on the unique Matrix evaluation Profile. Richard DiCenso is a doctor, author and leading authority on whole person therapy and author of Exploring A New Way of Thinking.

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How is curative physician Richard DiCenso Discusses Whole man Therapy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Schools.

Kevin: Well, why don't you tell us a microscopic bit about yourself and how you got from being a curative doctor to looking this book, Beyond Medicine, that there was more out there than what we think.

Richard: Well, part of my discontentment was in my training, because I went from discipline to discipline to discipline over a period of years and it included all from rehabilitation to chiropractic to forensics to acupuncture to trauma rehabilitation, human biochemistry and nourishment and what I found is that every discipline was that there was a method to a method advent and when I started looking at citizen with symptoms and looking at the distinct disciplines I found that each discipline had their own advent to the same symptoms, but none of the disciplines attempted to identify the cause of the symptoms and that's when I stepped back from all the disciplines and started to look at what is it that all of these symptoms have in base and in the final prognosis in its simplest form, I found that all symptoms are plainly symptoms, that they are just the net corollary of an imbalance, or scantness that's progress over a period of time to exhibit itself as symptoms and in a worst-case scenario, a diagnosable the thieves.

Kevin: So for instance, fibromyalgia is a indication of illness of --

Richard: Some imbalance or deficiency. It can be a distinct one for each person. That's spellbinding part of it, because if there were a straightforward cause-and-effect, we'd have it already and there would be a cure.

Kevin: Okay.

Richard: It is a name for a group of symptoms that a estimate of citizen are experiencing. They come in complaining of the same thing, so they've narrowed it down to being diagnosable. If you have, I think, it's 18 tender points of distinct parts of the body then you get the prognosis fibromyalgia, which means what?

Kevin: I don't know.

Richard: Right and that's what I'm saying is that's how a lot of rehabilitation is conducted, is they're telling you what they're telling them, using a distinct word.

Kevin: Got you.

Richard: So my elbow hurts and so if you've got arthritis. You got tendinitis. You've got degenerative or rheumatoid arthritis. You have whatever, but basically they're going to use a word that means what it is that you're telling them without actually describing what's caused what you're experiencing and therefore, if you can't identify a cause, you can't influence a cure.

Kevin: So it's kind of like development up words.

Richard: It's a lot like development up words. It's very similar to what the pharmaceutical clubs do with the ad agencies in New York. One of my clients has a large advertising group in New York and 20% of his firm is from pharmaceutical clubs and his job is to come up with a name for a drug that they discovered that relieves safe bet groups of symptoms and so they sit in a brainstorming session for a few days and they come up with something that is catchy and can have an acronym associated with it that rolls off the tongue that citizen can remember and basically it's we've got a new pill now and we need a disease to go with it.

Kevin: Wow. So how do you go backwards from a indication of illness to the actual imbalance?

Richard: That's a great point and I'm a straightforward guy in the final analysis. So I had to come up with a straightforward process that I could understand and describe so that the citizen I'm working with could come to be proactive in the process, instead of just looking to me for the retort and kind of help me find the answer. So the retort to your examine in a sentence is all the time start where you are. So that's the beauty of the Matrix evaluation Profile, which is a protocol that I've industrialized over a period of years based on study produced by Nasa to monitor the health of the Apollo astronauts and the Matrix evaluation Profile means that we're assessing the matrix. Now, I don't want to do the same things with the words here that these doctors are doing with these diagnoses. So there's a method to the madness and there's a suspect behind this name. So an evaluation of the matrix means that we're looking at more than just the symptoms that you're describing to me. We're looking at the possible causes for that indication of illness or group of symptoms within the human matrix, which is composed of structural, biochemical and a cycle of emotional or virtual realm that all interacts 24/7 to yield the experiences we have in life and so the Matrix evaluation Profile is an evaluation of all of those realms. What do you do for a living? What kind of stress are you experiencing? What do you eat? What percentage of your diet is raw? How often do you eat out? How much water do you drink? Do you take supplements? How much sleep you get? What kind of spiritual beliefs do you have? These are all things that will contextually interact to yield symptoms as part of the human matrix.

Kevin: So the matrix is all the distinct things that are nearby you. Let me ask you this question. Is the matrix exterior of you, or inside of you, or is it is a blend of all of that?

Richard: It's very similar to the notion of zero point energy. It's the creative and life-sustaining force that contributes to the expression of all in existence and maintains all in existence. So the retort is that it's both inside and out.

Kevin: Okay. That's pretty cool. Now, you've seen over your time distinct elements that lead to physical symptoms.

Richard: Yes.

Kevin: What are some of those? I know some of them are listed in your book. Can we just run over one or two or three of them?

Richard: Obviously, if you are in an automobile emergency and you taste physical pain, then the cause-and-effect is relatively straightforward, although the suspect for the emergency may not be as easy to understand, but we won't go there yet. That's part of an additional one realm, but then you taste physical symptoms and particularly if you don't know why you're experiencing them then, that's where we start with the analysis, is where you're experiencing the symptoms. So I'm experiencing physical pain. We look at the physical structure. It can be associated with repetitive movements, continued positional stress. It can be associated with a nutritional deficiency, or it could be associated with some kind of cycle or emotional imbalance or inconsistency that expresses itself as a physical symptom. For instance, a child that doesn't want to go to school, because he's being bullied gets this horrendous stomach ache and they take him to the doctor and they can't find anything, but they put him on bed rest and it becomes a recurrent experience, a physical taste and then over time it is identified and dealt with, it will lead to other forms of behavior and other physical experiences and things are just going to be unsolvable, because they're looking in the wrong place for the source of the physical pain or pain or symptoms.

Kevin: Wow. That's an foreseen, explanation of how it all works. How do you correlate that, though, with modern or accepted medicine?

Richard: Well, once again, you all the time rule out the obvious. So most of the citizen who come to me have already been through all the accepted prognosis and there are two ways to use accepted rehabilitation at this point in trying to decree what's causing those symptoms. One is to have the test done, because you don't want to miss anyone obvious, like a virus or Ibs or irritable bowel syndrome, or celiac spruce. Some of the organic dysfunctions that can yield similar functions, you don't want to miss those. Once you've had the test done and their negative, the next that the process is to look at those tests and see if they come back normal, are there elements within those results that are high normal and low normal, because these are just as considerable to a tool in terms of determining a pattern in the process of developing an imbalance in the process of developing a scantness in the process of developing by looking at highs and lows in associated chemistries and then if that's there, then we use that as an first tool to start normalizing biochemistry. If that's not there, then next step in the process is let me look at the Matrix. Let me look at the connection in the middle of the child and the parents. Let me talk with a child. Let me ask some very explicit questions to the child that seem like I'm having a dialogue, but they're actually designed to elicit responses that would be consistent with an imbalance in the emotional realm, so that I can either implement some rehabilitation myself or recommend a policy of rehabilitation with a child psychologist or person that might be more skilled in one or more of the areas that I'm not. So my role isn't necessarily to solve the problem of the symptoms, but to solve the problem, which may involve other citizen that I need to interface with professionally.

Kevin: Have you found that nutritional deficiencies can cause emotional behavior and emotional reactions?

Richard: About 80% of the emotional symptoms that I see have a nutritional basis.

Kevin: Wow.

Richard: So it's huge.

Kevin: When the nutritional scantness is addressed, then that goes away?

Richard: Yes, because again, you're dealing with a indication of illness that appears to be emotional and if you treat it with pharmaceuticals, you treat with therapy and it doesn't get any best and you're missing the obvious, which is nutritional imbalance or deficiency, then you've served no purpose.

Kevin: Wow.

Richard: So think about it this way, Kevin. One of the issues we have in this country is that the soil is depleted of vital nutrients. The last senate document I saw said that there were only three minerals left in the soil in this country and so if the nutrients aren't in soil, they're not in the food and if they're not the food, they're not in the diet. If they're not in the diet, they're not in the body and the body was designed to operate in function on all of these nutrients. So it's a supply and examine problem. If the demands are that the lungs keep pumping and oxygen is delivered to the cells and the bowels move and the heart pumps blood and all of the other systems work the way they were designed and there are not adequate raw materials to go round, the body has to begin to compromise function and prioritize the use of the raw materials that are available, which then sets up a whole chain of events over a period of time based on a law of accumulation, which means it that if something is done repetitively of a period of time, there's going to be a reaction to that given the fact that there is an insufficient supply to meet the examine for that function.

Kevin: It sounds so logical.

Richard: It is.

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